From Qur'an || From Hadith

From Qur'an Surah Al-An'am (The Cattle) 6:164

Say: "Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then unto your Lord is your return, so He will tell you that wherein you have been differing."

None can bare the burden of another... meaning each of us are responsible for our own actions in this life. we better be sure that we are following the correct understanding of Islam, within the guidelines of the Qur'an and the Sunnah... cause on the day of judgment we will not be able to point fingers at any one else.. not even our sheikhs, imams or maulanas. May Allah (swt) give us the correct understanding of Islam and help us to abide by all aspects of it.

Saturday 7 February 2009


Setiap orang ada hobi...Hobi kumpul someting lah-setem,duit,n so on..buat itu lah..buat ini lah..
Hah..kali nie aku nk share sikit tentang hobi aku. Hobi aku suka kumpul benda2 yg ber'gadjet', model plane, replicate, lagi best yg boleh kita pasng sendirik..hehehe.. Certain barang yg aku nak mahal herganya utk dibeli.. Fikir 3-6 ratus kali gak utk beli barang tuh.. Aku klu dah aim something, aku try utk dapatkannya.. Lambat or cepat aku tak kisah sgt, asalkan aku dapat benda yg aku nak kan tuh..huhu

Setakat nie aku suka and nak kumpul jenis; aircraft, command ship, pesawat -boieng & airbus, tak lupa jugak dragon ball n gundam..ehehe..tapi aku masih tercari-cari dimanakah tempat utk aku dapat kn benda-benda nie semua..dimanakah??dimanakah??nak2 jenis aircraft,command ship, pesawat boieng & airbus..

if korang nk tgk model2 kapal terbang, korang leh usha kt sini

herga boleh tahan mahal..*paling murah aku tgk, € 13.40..masuk tax € 15.95..*..barang dorg berkualiti..body pun smart..material pun solit..colour pun susah nk tanggal n calar..if korang calarkan yaknie gores n menang guna syiling comfirm kapal terbang calar..hahahahaha..ada sesape nk bagi hadiah tym birthday aku nnt??birthday aku lame sempat gik korg kompol duit utk beli salah satu model kapal terbang utk aku nnt..ehehe =p

1 comment:

Ariffin said...

jemput singgah blog saya..
jualan model kapal terbang...

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